Curriculum Vitae / Publications
I am currently a research associate (chercheur) in computer science at Inria Lyon (FRANCE), working in the Laboratoire Hubert Curien(UMR 5516, Saint-Étienne, FRANCE).
Fields of Interest
- Signal processing
- Graphs
- Signal processing over networks
- Stochastic signal proessing
- Graph theory
- Network science
- 2023 Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Étienne, FRANCE
- 2022 Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique, Rennes, FRANCE
- 2021 Laboratoire de Physique de l’ENS de Lyon, Lyon, FRANCE
- 2019 Laboratoire Jean Kuntzman, Grenoble, FRANCE
- 2017 Centrale-Supélec, Saclay, FRANCE
- 2017 Télécom Bretagne, Brest, FRANCE
- 2017 Barbados GSP Gathering, Barbados
- 2016 Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 2016 McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada
- 2016 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, États-Unis
Research Students Supervision
- 2021 (Master student) -- Meriem Jebali: Graph Learning
- 2019-2020 (PhD student) -- Karel Mundnich (supervisor: S. Narayanan): Triplet Embedding & TILES Project
- 2028-2019 (PhD student) -- Alexander Serrano (supervisor: A. Ortega): Graph Signal Processing and Intrinsic Stationarity
- 2014 (L3 student) -- Aymeric Fromherz (supervisor: P. Gonçalves): Graph Signal Processing and Community Detection
- 2013 (Master student) -- Arashpreet Singh Mor (supervisor: P. Gonçalves): Graph to Signal Mapping: Study of a Duality Principle
Previous Employment
- 2020-2023: Assistant Professor, ENSAI, Bruz, FRANCE
- 2019-2020: Computer Scientist, USC, Los Angeles, USA
- 2016-2019: Postdoctoral Fellow, USC, Los Angeles, USA
- 2012-2015: Phd Student, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, FRANCE
Personnal Fields of Interest
Programming, Free softwares, Electronics, Mechanics, DIY, Guitar, Windsurfing, Hiking, Photography
Programming Skills
C, C++, Matlab, Python, Java, Prolog, PostgreSQL, OCaml, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Qt
French (mother tongue), English (fluent), German (basic understanding), Spanish (basic understanding)
- Computer Science Department Chair
- Bases de Données Relationnelles (Computer Science Department, L3 ENSAI): introduction to relational databases
- Deep Learning and Advanced Deep Learning (Computer Science Department, M2 ENSAI)
- Bases de Données Relationnelles (Computer Science Department, L3 ENSAI): introduction to relational databases
- Introduction à la Programmation Orientée Objet et à la Documentation du Code (Computer Science Department, L3 ENSAI): Introduction to OOP in Python and code documentation
- Programmation Orientée Objet avec Java (Computer Science Department, M1 ENSAI): OOP in Java
- Bases de Données Relationnelles (Computer Science Department, L3 ENSAI): introduction to relational databases
- Introduction à la Programmation Orientée Objet et à la Documentation du Code (Computer Science Department, L3 ENSAI): Introduction to OOP in Python and code documentation
- Projet Intégré (Computer Science Departement, M1 ENS de Lyon): pratical course of research project management. .. Link to the supervised project website: LazyChords
- ACM (Computer Science Departement, L3 ENS de Lyon): Practical algorithm course and preparation to the ACM-ICPC contest.
- Projet Intégré (Computer Science Departement, M1 ENS de Lyon): pratical course of research project management. .. Link to the supervised project website: KIRC
- Optimisation (Computer Science Departement, M1 ENS de Lyon)
- Projet 2 (Computer Science Departement, L3 ENS de Lyon): management of a code project in groups of two on the subject of incremental (build of) SAT Solvers.
- Optimisation (Computer Science Departement, M1 ENS de Lyon)
- 2012-2015: PhD from École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- 2008-2012: MSc from École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Normalien in the Computer Science department